How to Choose the Right Snow Melting Control for Heated Driveways and More

Our radiant experts review our full collection of outdoor controls for snow melting.
The right control and sensor combination can help automate snow melting or make it as easy as flipping a switch. Learn how to install the controls, place sensors strategically, and automate the system from the comfort of your home.

Snow melting systems bring the convenience of a snow-free driveway with the power of electric radiant heating. Our systems include both snow melt cables and snow melt mats that can be installed underneath asphalt, concrete, or pavers.

Hello. Thank you so much for joining us for today's webinar. My name is Lyn. I am a customer service rep here at WarmlyYours. Today, I'm joined by one of our technical service team members. Can you introduce yourself, Anatoly?

Hello. My name is Anatoliy, and I'm with WarmlyYours tech support and product team. Gonna be happy to talk with you all guys today. Awesome.

So we are gonna be going over choosing the right snow melting control for your snow melting system. Them. And Anatoliy as one of our tech team members and one of our product team members is super super knowledgeable on all of our different control options. So we're really gonna go in and learn a little bit more about all of the different options that you have available.

If at any point there are any questions, feel free to ask away either at the sidebar or at the bottom of the screen in the ask a question module. If we don't see your question right away, we'll get to it by the end of the presentation today.

So like I said, we're gonna be going over our snow melting systems, and then we're going to talk about the different controls that we have for outdoor heating, as well as the different sensors. So we're gonna get in-depth and kind of walk through the differences.

So just kinda starting out, snow melting systems are becoming a little bit more popular, installed, and they can go in pretty much any kind of pavement, asphalt, concrete pavers.

So we see them done a lot in driveways, we see them a lot in walkways, even heated benches patios, things like that. So this is actually essentially a system that will be embedded in that pavement. And will evenly heat the surface as the snow comes down to keep it from freezing and will let it melt and evaporate.

So, we do offer systems that can be manual, so you can turn them on and off yourself. We also offer automated systems so that with the right control and sensor, it'll turn itself on and off, and it's completely hassle free kind of out of sight out of mind for you.

So going over the installation process. The first thing you want to begin before even really planning out your is looking at your electrical requirements and your electrical availability. So can you kinda tell us, you know, how one would do that?

Yeah. Yeah. For sure. So those snow melting systems, of course, we're talking about electric systems that are using electricity to produce heat. And the planning stage for these type of projects are are pretty critical just because, you know, those are consuming some power, depending on the size of the project, and you really wanna ensure that the whole planning and the specifically electrical planning here is done right. So, you know, just a simple example, if, you know, you're you have a two hundred m service at your house, maybe one hundred, one hundred and twenty m, so those are already in use for all the electrical lows around the house. And you only have, you know, eighty sixty amps to spare, you really wanna share that information to us, so when we are designing, planning, the project for you, we take in that to the account and kinda going on the right direction.

And actually one thing to add here as our second bullet point here talks about is anytime we provide you with a quote that quote includes electrical plan and installation plan. Those plans already provide you a good amount of information that little electrician needs to get, you know, the proper calculation or see what's the size of the system we are designing. So always anytime, you know, either it's that that first rough quotation or you in the midst of, you know, preparing for a purchase, always share those those electrical plants with your electricians so everybody, kinda, all the parties are up to date in terms of the specification of the system. Absolutely.

And another thing that we offer are pre project planning meetings. I don't know if we're gonna get into that a lot today, but I did just wanna toss out there. And I told you're usually a part of a lot of these meetings. Oh, yep. Essentially, they are free, where we'll help you out, make sure that everybody, all the comms, tractors, all the electricians, everybody, do a quick Zoom call, phone call, and we can make sure that everybody's on the same page, and I'll are answered before actually starting the project.

Yeah. Those snow melt snow melting projects are eventually kind of a step up from maybe your simple traditional electric floor heating projects. So, yeah, we I'm definitely doing quite a good number of those pre planning for pre project meetings, and those are very you know, gonna be very quick but very informative in terms of kind of what's going on, what's needed, how to prepare for it. We definitely never wanna have a customer who you know, receive some preliminary calculations and just looking at the electricity numbers, thinking, okay, that I cannot do it.

I'm not gonna do this project. There is more than one way to get this system up and running with different controls or different coverage options. And, again, we we definitely gonna be talking about that later today, so stay with us. Absolutely.

So, this is a really great drawing. Can you kind of walk us through what we're looking at here in Tully?

Yeah. Like that drawing, we call it system map or or kinda typical line diagram for all the components. That's a very helpful drawing not only for electrician, but just for maybe a homeowner, a contractor who's just kinda planning to project overall, just wanna understand what components involved what needs to be purchased, things like that. So here we outline kinda the inside and outside section. So, eventually, everything on the left here in that orange kinda highlighting is the inside part, so that's where your breakout panel is already in. That's where the relay panel will be mounted.

Keep in mind those relay panels that we provide those are rated NEMA one, meaning that they should only be mounted inside So that's eventually why it's always gonna be showcased as an inside device.

Then, of course, controller is another part that's gonna be mounted inside.

There will be one controller that can be mounted outside, or actually I should say should be mounted outside. We can again talk about that later. But that's really traditional. That's gonna be all of your components that's gonna go inside. And then, of course, outside, you're gonna eventually install your heating cables or maps That's a must.

The j box is sort of an optional thing because your heating cables and mats will have a fit sorry. Twenty foot cold lead pre attached to it. So, if that distance from a heating cable to the relay panel is about twenty feet, and you can run that existentially directly to the Relay panel, you definitely don't need a j box or junction box. If that distance is longer, of course, yes, you would then run the leads to the box, make your electrician will make that extension from there and run his wire to the relay panel. And then, of course, the last two things in the lower right corner, you can see your aerial mounted sensor as an example and a high temperature limit sensor. That's eventually your sensing devices to get the system up and running correctly.

Awesome. Yeah. I really like this picture. I think This actually, I saw this fun story when I was interviewed and they were like, can you make sense of this? Like, years ago when I started at the company. And I was able to make enough sense of it back then, and now I really know what I'm looking at.

So speaking of the j box, obviously, you kinda went into a little bit of detail there. This is actually what it will look like, and it is kind of a bit of spaghetti bowl, obviously, all the cables are coming out of it. And really, that's what it's there for, is to take all those cables and really make it easier to run them from the driveway or wherever you're heating back to the house. Yep. So again, this is where all splices and extensions need to be made, and this does need to be accessible. So it doesn't you don't wanna bury it somewhere you want it to be somewhere that could be accessed if needed.


So selecting a spot for the control, you kinda touch on, you know, indoor, outdoor controls. Can you kinda tell us what you should be looking for?

Yeah. So like I was saying earlier, the most of our controls eventually would be mounted indoors. Some of them are actually only rated to be mounted indoors. You'll find one or two controllers that kinda rating wise can be mounted outdoors.

But the only kinda unique circumstances where you would mount them indoor outdoors would be maybe some large industrial applications where you, you know, some maintenance people need to get access to it and that access can only be provided in some outdoor you know, side of the building type setup. Typical residential applications, you want the controller to be inside because anytime you wanna check the status of your controller or the system or just manually override it or, you know, do any kinda reset or things or adjust settings, you definitely don't wanna go outside. You wanna have it indoors. You wanna have a quick easy access to it, check things, and and be done with it, So, yeah, always kinda plan for mounting that inside, kinda just like as we show here on the picture. The control here is actually just that device source the right with a display.

The four boxes to the left of it are the relay panels. And again, don't don't be spooked that you need so much space or so much equipment here. This is, to my knowledge, this is a very, very large application. That's why you can see kind of four different zones with four different relay panels, so that's a substantially larger application than your typical, maybe driveway or walkway and stairs heating.

So that's shortly about the controls and where you wanna mount that. The only kinda unique controller would be our value controller. We We'll talk about that in-depth in just a couple of slides, but that's the controller that it's pretty much a combination of a sensor and controller So as soon as I say sensor, you wanna think outside. Right? Because that's where the sensor will be sensing the snow.


And speaking of those kind of scary looking relay panels, can you kinda tell us what we're looking at here? Yeah. This is kinda like we call it sizing guide.

Probably a quick pause here. You don't need to memorize that. You don't need to figure out how tool that, that's just a sizing guide in case electrician needs to kind of double check things or so. We size the relay panels for you.

We calculate how many mats or cables you need or how many relay panels and what size you need. This is more just a, again, an information and a sizing guide that tells you that, let's say, you have four one hundred and twenty volt cables, that would mean you would wanna get a small relay panel because it has four connections. Or if you have, you know, twelve, one twenty volt cables, you will get a large relay panel because it has twelve connections. So that's kinda in simplicity, that's kinda really all it is.

But again, don't don't worry about that part at all. That's just your schematic, but we size all these relay panels for you to make your system economical and easy to wire.


And we always wanna make sure that all electrical and building codes are followed. So you do wanna be talking to your electrician and your local code authority to make sure that you're kind of double checking that everything in your area is is gonna go well with this.

So looking at the controls for snow melting, like I said, we're gonna break these down for you. So the first thing you'd want to decide is if you want the system to be automatic or manual. So all of our automatic controls are going to detect temperature and moisture or precipitation so that the system will start warming when it begins to snow. It's not going to turn on when it's you know, fifty degrees in raining, it's not going to turn on, when it's, you know, twenty degrees and not snowing, it's pretty good at just recognizing when snow is falling and when it needs to turn itself on, so that I can start warming up at the beginning of the snowfall instead of when there's accumulation.

So, we're gonna kinda break down, again, the differences between the automatic controllers and manual controllers and some of the pros and cons of each. So, this is all of our controls. And first, we're gonna go into our zone breaker. So, can you kind of tell us a little bit about that, Anatoly?

Yeah. So zone breaker type screen multi zone is our most recent kinda addition to the snow melting controls lineup.

Again, we're gonna start kind of with the toughest and sort of most advanced controller simply because this is a controller that usually will be used in kind of very specific set of circumstances. And that's where I'm gonna circle back to that slide we were talking about breaker panel. Right? So if you have a limited available electricity, right? Lim limited capacity at your breaker panel, but you have a larger area that you need to cover and you really need to cover that area without really sacrificing on the coverage.

That's where you will be utilizing the zone breaker controller because what it can do, it can switch your large area, not switch, but really split that large area into two, three or four zones.

And the benefit in this is that you can now run only one section at a time. So let's try to make it simple. You know, imagine you have system that is hundred fifty amps total. But you only have fifty amps to spare, so what you get what that controller is actually gonna do for you, it's only gonna run fifty amps at a time.

So, you know, it's gonna run one third of your system for an hour, then second, third of your system for an hour, and then the final third of your system for an hour. And it will circle back over and over until all the snow is melted, and of course as an outcome, you still get your whole system up and running and melting, but it's only gonna be using that only available limited amount of power. So Again, like I said, it's a little bit cup a little bit of complicated control that's not what you're going to be doing on the typical snow melting projects, but we decided to kinda start with that tricky thing and then go with a really simple and easy solution further on.

Absolutely. Yeah. This one can be a little intimidating. It's not generally used for a two car driveway, something like that.

So our next control we're going over is our premium control, and this is another one of our automated controls. So can you kinda tell us what we're looking at here?

Yeah. Yeah. So the good thing you point out, Linda, is that we're talking really about automated controls. So everything we're gonna be talking in probably what? Next, two, three or four slides. Gonna be fully automatic controls, meaning that there is absolutely no interactions needed with that controller, it will detect the snow and temperature or pretty much precipitation and temperature and run your system automatically fully autonomously, you don't need to. And again, I'm just kind of sharing the voice of a customer here.

You don't need to sort of go check and enable the controller or stop the controller and when the snow stops. Again, system does all that for you. So when we're comparing these controllers, since now we know that all of these really controllers are doing the same thing. When we're comparing these controllers, I've been I'm gonna try to point out kinda the advantages or some unique features that each controller has. So that was a little bit of an intro for automatic controllers, now, really, when we're talking about premium controller, the two main advantages in this controller would be that it can handle an OT or over temperature or another kind of description to it as high temperature limit sensor. Meaning that it can control and prevent the slab from reaching some higher temperatures than needed.

And it can also support up to six So anytime you need, you know, maybe it's a light commercial or industrial project that needs more than two sensors, That's kinda where you potentially will be utilizing this controller, or mainly again, since I was saying about the OT sensor, Mainly, it's gonna be utilizing for any application where you are heating the asphalt.

So that's that's premium controller in a nutshell.


So next, can you tell us about our advanced snow melt control?

Yeah. For sure. Advanced snow melt control is gonna be at this point, I believe it's gonna be our best seller simply because a kind of is a perfect balance of all the things you want. It has a pretty good price point for your typical residential project, it can handle up to two sensors. So, you know, usually would connect just one, but you can still connect two sensors in case maybe you wanna combine an aerial and slab sensors.

It still allows you to manually overwrite the system. And adjust your after run time. So pretty much once again, it's just making that perfect controller for I wanna say eighty to ninety percent of the typical projects we do. So unless it's something abnormal or something not usual with electricity, or amount of electricity the customer has, you're gonna be using advanced snow melting control most of the time? Yeah. I would definitely say that's that's sounds accurate to me.

Next, we are looking at our economy control. So can you give us some details on this one?

Yeah. So economy controller comes from a different manufacturer. So that's kind of different manufacturer than the two previous units, right? So that's where you see a different sort of form factor.

Right? You have a a a push dial that allows you to then select and review the settings and status of the system on the small screen there. So that's kinda where you have a little bit of new features here. Right?

You can adjust your set points, your after run times. You can look into kinda the status of the system. You can configure your controller in few different ways. So that's that's, again, that's economy controller.

It can also handle up to three sensors And, yeah, you can combine that controller for your driveway snow melting and maybe a roofing gutter the icing because this controller can do kinda two zone applications. So, yeah, once again, a very unique controller. We're still talking about fully automatic operation, but Anytime we see a set of kinda set of clues depending on the application, we will select one or the other.


And now, this one is a little bit of our odd man out. It's also what I would say besides the advanced control in my experience, probably our other most popular model. So this is our value control, and this one is actually going to be mounted outdoors. Correct?

Yep. So that's that's really that control and sensor combination because you can see, right on the top of it, there is that actual sensing grid. Right? So, yeah, that's a combination or combo of kinda two in one. Right? You have a brain, the logic of the system inside, and you have the center right outside.

And because the sensor is right there, you definitely mount the whole thing outdoors kinda really treat that as the sensor. So you wanna mount it, so snoke and hit it. And, you know, we're gonna be talking about the sensors actually in just a couple of slides slides, but that's the controller that is very popular for kinda small to medium projects or specifically for the projects that are sixteen amps or under because that's where you actually would not need to use a relay panel. You can connect any project that is sixteen amps poor lower directly to this controller and pretty much make your system really economical.


Now talking moving away from automated sensors and talking about manual sensors, This is our timer control, and it's pretty simple. I mean, you can pretty much tell from the picture. It does what it says on the tin. It is timer, you set the time, and then it will turn itself off when that is over.

So can you kinda tell us what this would be used for?

Yeah. Yeah. So once again, I think we didn't kinda maybe touch about the touch and talk about this, but automatic control is always what you wanna aim for. You definitely don't wanna try to maybe save hundred dollars and get some kind of manual or timer control, because you're just going to end up paying so much more in extra operation or simply in the system not operating when you need to because automatic control is what what's gonna really run the system only when it's needed, and this timer control is an example here.

Is where is where I would use it is is probably in the situations where you have You always have a dedicated person who can turn it on and off, add the right times. That's kinda bullet point number one. Bullet point number two is gonna be the surfaces that needs to be heated no matter of what precipitation is. And it kinda interest in an application I personally had was the kinda like a what I wanna say, like hot top areas in the hotels or just even in the residential places.

Right? It could be super cold, no snow, but anytime the water splashes out, it's gonna quickly turn into ice, and this controller allows you to just flip that switch, let it run, and the surface is heated because that, let's say, that that owner knows that the people gonna be getting in and out there. So Very unique application. You don't wanna apply it to just any snow melting.

You really wanna apply it to the applications where you know where you feel like you're gonna be just always in need of controlling the surface manually.

Absolutely. I do get a lot of questions about this. I think a lot of people assume it's going to be a lot cheaper to use a timer control. It's also I think it's a little bit less intimidating to a lot of people. You can look at that and you're pretty much you have an idea what you're working with, whereas automated controls.

While good because it takes things out of your hands. It can also make people feel a little bit nervous because it's out of their hands. So if you have questions on that, if you're a person who is really looking at, you know, getting a manual control, but you're not sure if that's the best option. Feel free to chat with us. We love to talk with you. We are more than happy to walk you through the options and help you decide what'll work best for how you plan to use the system.

Yeah. One thing I probably wanna quickly point out for that controller and the WiFi controller is that a usual example that I'm bringing when I'm talking about this controls is what happens if it starts to snow in the middle of the night? Yeah. Are you gonna set an alarm for two AM? Are are are you just gonna wake up and turn this and ban because, you know, setting alarm is definitely not an option for me. I'm not gonna be doing that and waking up to a driveway, you know, that is covered by three, four inches of snow, and then flipping that control on is definitely not gonna do the, you know, the the this the performance that you're gonna get from an automatic controller that maybe detected that snow at two AM ran the system for two, three, four hours whatever that snow event was, and you wake up to a nice, dry, driveway, and, you know, it's safe to walk on those stairs and, you know, go with your day.

Absolutely. So can you kinda tell us what we're looking at with the Wi Fi control and what it does exactly?

Yeah. So Wi Fi control as you can see, kinda same same enclosure, but instead of a traditional spring loaded timer, you know, just have kind of your simple WiFi switch, kinda similar device that you're gonna find in, you know, maybe outdoor indoor WiFi light switches and so on. But mainly the benefit of this is that you can get that set up into your home WiFi and eventually make your make your snow melting system remotely controlled, right? Let's say it's an application where you don't need melting for every snow vent because maybe it's your vacation house.

And you want the system to be disabled, but then when you're either coming to that location or you are right at that location, you will just manually turn it on through your smartphone app. That's definitely gonna be a controller for you.

The only other the only other probably application I've heard of is where some customers would combine this with an automatic controller. So that way they can almost, like, disable the whole system remotely because that's what it allows you to do. But then when they are at the location, can enable it, and the system runs fully automatic based on your automatic controller with a sensor. So once again, unique set of circumstances if you're not sure, you need, you you want us to kind of help you decide or choose what controller to use just definitely reach out to us. It's just so much easier to go through a set of kinda circumstances and better learn the application and get you the right controller.


And we did touch briefly so far on our different sensors. So we're gonna go over those a little bit more in d fail, and these are really paired with controls to do the automating of the system. They're going to be what is out there, doing the work day in, day out, telling the system if it needs to be on or off. So can you kinda tell us the different types of sensors that we have and what they're what they do. Yeah. So we're gonna be talking today when it when it, of course, now when it comes to sensors, we're gonna be talking mainly about aerial sensor or slab mounted sensor, and those are gonna be your main sensors that will trigger that automation that will trigger that operation of the system.

You're also gonna see OT sensor, or like I mentioned earlier, you know, OT stands for kinda over temperature or we also call it high temperature limit sensors. These are these are the sensors that just kinda hoot the system on standby or kind of pause the system just to prevent reaching some really high temperatures.

So, yeah, that's that's kinda a quick intro into these snow melt sensors.


And I really like these these drawings, kinda showing some information, some ideas on where the sensor should be placed and some things to consider. So can you kinda walk us through that?

Yeah. So since we're talking about snow sensors, kinda just obvious Happy your name gonna tell us you wanna put it in the area where the snow is gonna hit it. Right? So you don't wanna have it under any kind of overhang. You don't wanna have it under a tree. You also don't wanna have it like just three, four inches off, you know, away from the building because the snow even if it will reach there, it will it may it may take some time before the first snowflake will get there. So that's why the some manufacturers actually provide nice documents with the, you know, recommended sense replacements.

And if you kinda look into these pictures, you eventually gonna see red dots. Those red dots are indicating those preferred locations for the sensors.

And as you can see from our bullet points, eventually there's number of factors that will kinda determine where you would wanna place those. So, of course, prevailing wins is your number one thing. That's kinda why you see those lines and you see those recommended spots for the sensors, but also obstructions. You know, you wanna know where that sensor is and what's what's potentially gonna be built around it. Right?

So like I said earlier, make sure, you know, you don't have it. Again, simple logic would tell us, you know, don't don't don't install that sensor under anything that's gonna prevent those first snowflakes to hit it?


So this is our air one of our aerial sensors, the ARS s two. Can you kinda tell us how this works?

Yeah. Simple sensors, kinda bulletproof set up in terms of the logic and operation that manufactured uses a set point of thirty eight degrees and any precipitation to trigger the system. To be more exact, a set point of thirty eight degrees and lower together with the precipitation is what's gonna trigger it.

Many customers will ask, you know, why is it thirty eight? Why can I can I set it for thirty four, thirty five, or or anything like that? The main reason for thirty eight degrees is, first of all, you know, a huge, huge experience in that industry and that's just being industry, proven to be your best set point. Anytime you go for lower temperatures, your you know, your air temperature can be maybe thirty seven, thirty six degrees, but that surface temperature could be much lower.

And you don't wanna have the system that's triggering the melting when, you know, when it's already too cold there. Right? So thirty eight degrees is a great, like I said, industry proven set point and that aerial sensor is eventually gonna get mounted into that preferred location where this first couple of snowflakes gonna hit it and the system gonna turn on. When we're talking about operation of that sensor, that's sensing grid right on the top is actually heated.

So the goal for that sensor is to kinda have that a little bit of that water film on the top, right? Some kind of droplets of water. So if it's just rain mix snow type combination, you're already probably gonna get it right there. If it's just kinda snow or any kinda like icy conditions that heated center grid, gonna melt it, turn into water, and it's gonna turn on the system as well.

Definitely. And I can actually say it definitely isn't in street standard to do with about thirty eight degrees because my car beeps at thirty nine degrees to let me know that it might be freezing. And -- Yep. -- it startles me every single time.

So looking at the other at the slab sensor. So the other type of sensor that we have, this is one of ours one of our two So can you kind of tell us what we're looking at here? Yeah. So slap sensor, you know, really if you think about it, the slap sensor mainly just differs from the aerial sensor in a way where it will be mounted.

The kind of the logic and the kind of algorithm is the same. You know, it's still looking for precipitation and the temperature below thirty eight.

And When those two conditions are met, it's just gonna get the system up and running. But of course, slab sensor gets mounted kinda right at the surface level right, kinda, flush with the surface that you're melting. So it gives you sort of another more I wanna say probably more reliable in some applications way to detect the snow because, you know, what if it's a system that gets like a lot of windblown snow. That's where the slab sensor gonna pick it up, but aerial sensor that is maybe mountain just kinda off the side of the building or further away, not gonna get that snow. So that just really depends kinda what type of application it is, is it residential, maybe it's gonna some commercial, maybe it's a car wash. Right? That's where the the sensor or sensor type will be selected appropriately.

And then our other slab sensor.

This is one that can be paired with the economy snow and ice melting control that we talked about earlier.

And looking at this one, is there a lot of difference between this and the other one I'm not telling? No. Mainly, that's just a different manufacturer.

The kinda, again, the logic, the way the sensor really detects the snow and works. Stays the same because the nature the nature works the same way, but, yeah, it's just a different manufacturers, like, with a different size.

But in the end of the day really, the operation stays the same. You know, we're looking for temperature, we're looking for precipitation to then accordingly trigger the system.


Alright. So that is actually all that we have here. If anybody has any questions please do not hesitate to reach out. We did get one question that was sent in ahead of time from let me see who it was. From Nick, and he asked if this can be run under flagstone steps and landing. And the answer is definitely we see that's, you know, we do see paper applications, flagstone applications.

The main thing to keep in mind is that you will want to again most likely automate that. The SCV dual is probably going to be the best option, that's that value control that we pointed out earlier, where it's just the one one outdoor unit. You don't need to worry about indoor mounting or anything like that.

So, Nick, that would probably be your best option. And if there's questions or you want a little bit more detailed information or wanna quote just reach out to us.

I'm not seeing any other questions. If you think of it while we do some of our housekeeping, be sure to type them away.

We do have our next webinar on Thursday August tenth, again at one PM central, and this one will be on Zoom. So we're going to be moving our platform, so be sure to see it watch us there.

It's going to be some tips for troubleshooting, electric floor heating systems.

And we do also offer daily trainings So be sure to join us at least once a day, sometimes twice a day. We offer short videos where you can they're actually live. Usually it's hosted by me, often by anatolie.

So feel free to pop on in and learn a little bit more about our products.

And we do offer several services here at warmly yours. So if you are interested in having us do measuring, installation support, installation, or troubleshooting for your heating, let us know and we can talk with you about some of the different options available.

For the month of July, we are offering fifteen percent off of our snow melting systems.

July is obviously the last time that you want to be thinking about snow. I know it's the furthest thing from my mind, but it definitely is the time you want to plan ahead. This is when you're going to want to actually do that installation and get prepared for the coming winter, so be sure to take advantage of that sale.

At the end of the presentation today, we're gonna send out a quick email asking about your experience. We'd love to hear your comments and suggestions. I always say I would like to hear any compliments too. If you have something to say about our hair or how funny we are, we'll take those as well. We do wanna make sure we're talking about things that you want to hear about. So if you have specific ideas for upcoming webinars or topics, let us know that as well.

And like I said, obviously, we talked about it a lot today. We are here if you have any questions. These systems can be a little confusing. So if you want to make sure that you're getting all your questions answered, that you're getting the right products, and that you're feeling really confident, be sure to reach out to us. Give us a call, shoot us an email, visit our website.

Our website is a treasure trove of information, lots and lots of blog posts, videos, web all of our past webinars, everything is on there, so be sure to check us out at

So unless you have anything to add Anatoliy, that is all that we have for today, and we will be signing off. So thank you so much for joining us. Again, my name is Lynn. I'm joined by.

Yeah. Thank you, guys. My name is Anatoliy. Awesome. Until next time, stay warm, and be radiant.

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