Floor Heating Installation for a Yurt Wilderness Retreat

This yurt home for Basecamp Cascadia features heated floors throughout for a cozy space amongst snowy mountains. By planning the room layout beforehand, the owners were able to install our TempZone Flex roll system in key areas. Watch as the founder of Basecamp Cascadia discusses how they accomplished this and the benefits of radiant floor heating for their adventurous lifestyle in beautiful Leavenworth, Washington.

Hey, come on in. As you can see, coming in all of our floor is warmlyyours, radiant heat. And it's great, we're just barefoot all the time and nice room temperature. We installed it all around the kitchen and we were also conscious about, you know, making sure that our cabinets and everything were elevated so it didn't take away any heat. Concentrating fully underneath certain furniture and this is our entryway into the yurt you actually came in from the deck side, we installed our thermostat here. That's set for 68 degrees, a comfortable temperature for us. And, yeah, this is sort of the motherboard of controlling our climate here in the yurt. So I want to talk a little bit about the install. We are now a year out of living in this awesome yurt. Thank warmlyyours. And it was definitely a process putting in the flooring. We built this entire yurt with, of course, the support of a lot of friends teaching us know how to do infrastructure and other craftsman carpentry skills. But when it came to the floor, we really worked as a team with warmlyyours, and I will say out of all of the steps, the floor felt the most rewarding to see how fast it really came together. We knew when we came in here that we wanted to cover the full floor, so 705 square feet of flooring. And we knew this was going to be tricky thinking about the furniture and all of the other planning that goes into what you want your home to look like. And for us, it's a small space. So we were trying to be really intentional about where things went and really maximizing our space. So when it came time to put the floor in, we have pretty much everything mapped out at that time, and so we put our dimensions into the warmlyyours team and they put together this awesome blueprint for us, as well as a diagram where all the different sections for our floor, the match would need to go to basically create a situation we have of an entire floor of radiant heat. So what that entailed was, it started from the floor of plywood. That's what we built our platform of our yurt because you're framing boxes on plywood. And once we had the plywood in, we took the next steps of, we need to put primer on and kind of set up this prep work. We're not only rolling the mats out, but pouring the concrete, which we did self leveling concrete. And I highly recommend it was our first time ever pouring concrete, but it was very smooth process. So we put the primer down, let that dry, and that's when we took the next steps of rolling out the mats, and with those diagrams, they were really just our guide of showing us, you know, each section of how to roll it out. And we use scissors and also just use the stickiness of the map itself to help kind of anchor them down on the plywood with primer, so that they would sit still. I will say during that process, we had to use some ingenuity when it came to making the mats really level out and stay flat. So using the stickers in different ways to kind of weight it down was really essential. And then once we had that in place, that is when we started the floor which, as you see in the photos, it was a really fast process. And we actually did it in sections. So I'll stand up for first and show you basically there's the bathroom area in there. Then that was its own room. And then we had a defeat out in this quadrant of the yurt as another floor. And so to do those pores, we actually got 2 by twos and framed those sections. Sort of like it for each specific core. And actually, I think goes even thinner than the 2 by 2. So that was really, you know, give the concrete to match up with each floor. And so, yeah, that's when we started doing, you know, loads in here. I would pore it. It would start to cover the mass and it definitely went through a lot of concrete. But as we did it, it made, finishing touch on top that we knew our match with type of kit. After we did the pouring with the concrete, we had to install our vinyl planks brand of our luxury board. And that was tricky because we had a lot of different visions. We went from, you know, we wanted to tie more to we wanted more hardwood floor look. And we really landed on that for durability. In our case, we are heavily recreational, like to be outside. We have a dog and we have really great reviews and recommendations from family and friends to this final luxury floor. So we went with a bamboo type floor, and that was really fast. I mean, as you can see, there's different segments of this and we would just start, you know, throwing them down really quickly, like all across the year. And the real trick was just, you know, cutting that round circle. We love so much. We get a lot of. And just making sure that triggered all the way around, and we worked on one side of of the yurt and worked our way through. And I will also say we made sure that we made the cuts different sizes. So it was like not this continuous line. It kind of has that variation in color and pattern. He really liked to. And natural. Now, let John talk a little bit about what we really enjoyed with radiant thinking. So my favorite thing about the warmlyyours install is that I can throw it on a yoga mat and do yoga any time I want. And it's hot yoga, so the floor is warms up the mat nicely. Warms up the joints nicely. It's a pretty good lifestyle. Well, my other favorite thing about warmly yours. And one thing we realized pretty quickly after installing this. We like to ski every day out here in the snow when there is snow and used to hang up our clothes, but actually the best and quickest way to dry everything out now is really just to lay it on the ground. And when you've been out? In the wet and the cold, you've got all your gear pieces. Arrange it on the floor and it dries out automatically so. The transition from skiing to relaxing is pretty quick. And my favorite thing about warmly yours is getting to cuddle with our pup on the heated floor.

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