Circuit check worked fine. I found it reletively easy to hot glue the mat down as well as a few "free-form" areas. I buried the heat mat using one coat of mortar and "orange waffle" poly tile seperation mat (by others). The heat cable is pretty tuff so I thought it was pretty easy to cover with mortar w/o damaging it.
Item Reviewed:circuit check made it real easy to ensure you didn't have problems with the wiring before you layed the tile ... and again after all remodeling was complete to make sure I didn't jiggle the wiring in the box.
Item Reviewed:Once I learned that the batteries in the circuit checker had a very limited life I realized I should not have left it on during complete install. Better to just stop and test along the way. Got a false reading at end. I realize a better checker is avail but more money. Maybe bold print instructions about battery life or some such.
Item Reviewed:I ordered the honeywell circuit check and opted to use an ohm meter instead.
Thanks for the feedback. You should use both circuit check and ohm meter. The circuit check controls the system at all time during the installation. The ohm meter is a more precise check done only 2-3 times during the install.
Very easy to use. The circuit check was my close friend for a couple of days while I installed the mat and tile. Simple and effective.
Item Reviewed:Easy to use, but I didn't really need it. I already have ohm and volt meters. But not all people have their own meters so it's good to have during installation.
Please note that the circuit check has a benefit over the ohm readers: it takes a continuous reading so it beeps the same time a short appers in the system.
Worked great, helped making sure the installation was going well and not shorts were in the system
Item Reviewed:Was a very easy to use device that gave me the sense of security when installing the floor.
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