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Share Your Story: Giving Troops Well-Deserved Comfort and Appreciation

Homes for our Troops

Each quarter, we work towards supporting the efforts of a charitable organization because we truly believe that giving back is the greatest way of showing our appreciation. This quarter our charity project is dedicated to our American Troops, who are fighting for our freedom all around the world, and in support of their families.

This time around, we have designed the project to be a team effort! We’ve assigned teams throughout the company, and each team will compete to give the most in donations to the USO for the troops!

Additionally, we had the privilege of getting to know and work with a wonderful organization called, Tee Shirts 4 Troops, who support our troops with clothing and rehabilitation services that they need to reenter civilian life. We love the work that Tee Shirts 4 Troops does so much that we will donate 2 Infinity (plug-in) Towel Warmers to this organization, in addition to our donations that will be made by the end of the month to the USO. It’s our small way of bringing comfort and warmth to our valued troops.

This brings me to the great story we received from Jim Peters at Tee Shirts 4 Troops, who installed our snow melting system at the front entrance stairs and landing of his company. He is this month’s “Share Your Story” winner! Take a look:

Dear WarmlyYours Radiant,

Tee Shirts for Troops show off their WarmlyYours snow melting system

We run a center that works with wounded soldiers from the war in Iraq and Afghanistan., We recently installed WarmlyYours snow melting in the front entrance to our building; it's usually treacherous to walk on most of the winter. Indianapolis can be rainy and can get icy, though there is not usually much snowfall. Prior to installing your product, there were many times we had to get out and chip away at the ice on the entrance landing and stairs. Obviously ice on stairs is very dangerous, especially for our wounded troops, many with artificial legs, or on crutches.

Now this is the first winter with our WarmlyYours system installed by Tremain Ceramic Tile & Floor Covering in Indianapolis, IN, and our steps and front stoop are deiced before our staff or patients even ARRIVE for the day! What a thrill, never to worry if one of our true American Heroes will fall and hurt themselves - to have confidence in this great product working every time.

Wow, what is that worth? Priceless! Thanks for producing such an amazing product!!!!

Thank You!

Jim Peters

President and Co-Founder of Tee Shirts 4 Troops

WarmlyYours SmartPlan installation design for snow melting

Tee Shirts 4 Troops was started by three traveling musicians who, while on a USO tour, visited the wounded in hospitals, "It was hard not to cry, seeing Americas best with little or no clothes to wear while recouping", said Co-Founder Debbie Lavon. "So we researched and discovered that after they’ve been wounded US troops are flown to Germany and have to wait for their duffle bags to catch up to them...a process that could take weeks! Meanwhile, the Chaplains and their wives got busy and started buying clothes to give to the troops in order to put a smile and some dignity back in their lives," Lavon said.

Now, for the past four years Tee Shirts 4 Troops has been busy providing quality t-shirts for Americas finest. "I've learned the cause doesn't have to be big it just has to be YOURS, so we're going to try to put a shirt on every wounded GI in that theater! We’ve got big dreams but so far it's working,” said Co-Founder/President Jim Peters.

To visit and learn how to help or donate to the work of this organization, visit, www.teeshirts4troops.com.

Go check out the other Community Work we've done in the past!

Also, if you enjoyed this story, you may enjoy reading about last month's “Share Your Story” winner, Michael Ferreira, "WarmlyYours Radiant is a Contractors Dream" or read through all of our winner's stories!

We’d love to hear your story, too! Share it with us!

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