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Putting Together Your Stylish Bachelor Pad

Putting together your stylish bachelor pad

Putting together your stylish bachelor pad

While the world of interior design may traditionally draw more women, there are plenty of men just as devoted to their home's décor. You don't need to have a flair for color schemes or feng shui though to pull off a stylish bachelor pad. With a few simple tricks, you can ensure that your house, apartment or condo is a uniquely good looking space worthy of your style.

What is your style, you may wonder? That's the first step in putting together your bachelor pad. Consider these points along the way.

1. What's your style anyway? Design style - just like fashion - is hardly a concrete thing. For all the schools and genres, your style is just what feels right. Proud of your book collection? Then make floor to ceiling bookcases part of your décor. Still want to be a cowboy when you grow up? Incorporate an Old West theme into your dining room. Unabashed science geek? A framed periodic table might be just the thing your living room needs. Done right, any style can be a classy choice.

2. Living room furniture. Let's face it, you're probably going to invest in the finest high definition TV you can afford. But what about the rest of your living room? Leather is always a stylish choice and tends to blend well with the earth tones and wood hues most bachelor pads adopt.

3. Flooring. While you may want to go with stone in the kitchen or tile in your bathroom, a classic bachelor pad choice is hardwood flooring. Why not invest in some beautiful engineered oak or maple boards for your living room and bedroom? No matter what kind of flooring you use in any room, you'll want to consider radiant floor heating. More invisible than any other form of heating, radiant heat fits unobtrusively below your floorboards and keeps you warm using energy-efficient electricity and natural convection currents. It's sure to impress guests.

4. Drawers, cupboards, closets, shelves. If you follow only one cleanliness tip, it's this - don't leave stuff on the floors. Use your storage. All of it.

5. Add personality to a space - your personality. While stylish and elegant, you want your home to feel like exactly that, not a movie set or furniture store mock up. From fridge postcards to old Polaroids, make your home your own. 

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