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Make The Green Leap In Your Kitchen This October

Make the green leap in your kitchen this October

Make the green leap in your kitchen this October

The best season to go green in your kitchen is always the current one. Eco-friendly initiatives are more than just trending Twitter topics and all the rage for blog posts - it's an essential part of keeping this world safe and secure. Plus, the lower utility bills don't hurt much either. If you're looking to make the leap to green in your kitchen this October, start with some of these essential suggestions.

LED lighting
It may seem like an incredibly small step, but Light Emitting Diodes are leading the pack in energy-efficiency. So much so, that scientists are experimenting with using LEDs, generally just a light source, as actual power sources! While this is some ways off, you can make the switch to LED bulbs throughout your kitchen, including in that ambient lighting under your cabinets!

Energy-efficient fridge and dishwasher
Know what two of the biggest energy-guzzling offenders are in your home? Here's a hint - they occupy the same room, usually only feet away from one another. The dishwasher not only runs through water waste like nobody's business, it uses electricity to heat that water. And the fridge is a behemoth contributor to your bills. Why not go energy-efficient with both fixtures and save yourself and Mother Nature some trouble.

Radiant heat technology
Want to make the switch to green heat this autumn? Radiant floor heating can help you shrink your bills and improve air quality while reducing strain on the environment, all in one fell swoop!

Multiple recycling bins
You may be surprised how often a guest - or even family member - will simply toss a recyclable in the trash, usually because the recycling bin is hidden or out of the way. Keep recycling bins in every room - especially ones for paper!

It takes some devotion, but composting is a great (and green) way to recycle the most biodegradable of materials.

Green and organic eating
Finally, why not go green and organic in your eating? One fantastic way to green your eating habits is to eat locally. When you pick up groceries at the supermarket, most of the produce and items are shipped in from around the country, adding up to a lot of spent fossil fuel and a pretty big carbon footprint. Shop and eat locally to reduce this strain.

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