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Four Tips For Retaining Heat And Staying Cozy This Winter

Four tips for retaining heat and staying cozy this winter

Four tips for retaining heat and staying cozy this winter

As winter quickly approaches, more homeowners are dreading cranking up the thermostat and seeing the results in their heating bills. However, there are a couple of ways that you can make your living space more comfortable and warm this season without going to extremes. Here are some tips on how to endure the winter through radiant heat and energy conservation.

1. Install radiant floor heating.
No one likes to step out of bed in the morning and find cold flooring beneath their feet, but it can become even more noticeable once the temperatures start to drop. To improve the comfort level and warmth throughout your home this winter, consider installing radiant floor heating. This type of heating is not only cozy underfoot, but it's an efficient way to warm up your spaces without solely relying on your thermostat.

2. Conduct an energy audit.
If you think that you're feeling a draft flow through your house, you might not be imagining it - cool drafts become more noticeable once winter arrives. One way to keep them from becoming a mainstay is to have a professional come to your home and conduct an energy audit.

HouseLogic.com reports that while this might cost you a few bucks, you'll be able to accurately identify where warm air is leaving your home and seal these areas before winter arrives. This means your radiant heat will stay indoors where it belongs.

3. Seal your windows and doors.
Another way to keep heat in your home this winter is to seal drafts around windows and doors. Weather stripping and caulking are both easy, efficient ways to prevent cold air from coming into your home. Whether you have old windows or doors that could use additional support, utilizing this tip before the cool weather arrives can do wonders for your comfort level indoors.

4. Don't underestimate your window treatments.
As MSN.com reports, window treatments can be your best friends during the winter. When they aren't allowing fresh sunlight to flow through your home, you can close them to retain heat and keep any small drafts from making their way into your living spaces. Consider putting up thick drapes or wooden blinds in the winter that can efficiently keep heat from escaping. By taking just a few of these tips into account, you can have a more enjoyable holiday season and give yourself peace of mind.

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