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Creating A Comfortable Bedroom For Twins

Creating a Comfortable Bedroom For Twins

Creating a Comfortable Bedroom For Twins

When it comes to twins, it can be difficult getting them to share everything from clothing to living spaces. However, you might not have a choice if your home has a limited amount of square footage. That being said, you'll want to take the time to design a bedroom that both of your children can enjoy, despite the fact that they need to use it together. Whether your twins are toddlers or in their teenage years, there are a couple of ways you can create an interior that makes them both want to utilize the room on a frequent basis. The right decor might even be enough to encourage them to compromise more often! Here are some tips you can take into account as you design a bedroom for twins.

Make it comfortable
Who can deny a bedroom with a cozy feeling? If your twins aren't keen on the idea of sharing a spare, you may be able to change their minds by creating a comfortable bedroom. This means going beyond bringing in thick, soft blankets and installing items such as a radiant heating system. Radiant heat can instantly boost the comfort level in the bedroom and make it a more desirable area to use in your home.

Maximize your floor space
If you have a limited amount of square footage in your twins' bedroom, you'll need to think wisely about the furnishings you bring into the space. The rule of thumb is that if you have a way to compact and combine furnishings, you must use it. For example, installing recessed lighting can be a great alternative to floor lamps, which may consume precious space. Built-in shelves can provide crucial storage when you don't have the room to bring in dressers or vanities.

Add personality into the decor
Kids can be fussy about a lot of things, and one of them may be their bedroom. Failing to take your twins' personal tastes into account while designing can make it more difficult to ensure their satisfaction with the end result. As you look for furniture and decor for the space, ask your kids what they would like to see in their bedroom. By taking their input into account, you can create a living space that you'll all love.

Whether your twins agree on mostly everything or they couldn't be more opposite, these tips can help you satisfy both of them.

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