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And the Beat Goes On…

And the Beat Goes On…

How WarmlyYours helped S.T.A.G.E. ONE Music in their effort to restore music in a local school

joseph on stage

WarmlyYours has always had a vested interest in charity and community work. We are not simply a business that offers radiant heating products, but we are a company with a heart to serve. That’s why when the opportunity arose to serve a school in a community close to our headquarters; we jumped at the chance!

A few months ago, our friend Tamara Jazwinski, (high school guidance counselor and wife of WarmlyYours Director of Sales, Greg Jazwinski), shared with us a vision to restore music in a local school, Cary Elementary School, located just minutes away from our Long Grove, Ill. headquarters, who were recently forced to make deep reductions in staff and programming due to the economy. The program casualties included the elementary and junior high music and physical education programs.

With cofounders and professional musicians Mario Licciadi, Ron Swanson, Tamara worked to collectively form S.T.A.G.E. ONE Music – a comprehensive, creative program that brings the music back to the students of Cary, Ill. With the philosophy of educating students with the fundamentals of music, S.T.A.G.E. ONE Music developed a method of using relevant genres of music such as, rock and pop to inspire excitement and love for the arts.

mathew on the bass

S.T.A.G.E. ONE’s strategy and resolve pushed them to work tirelessly to write their own music education curriculum, become officially incorporated, develop a logo, open a bank account, initiate a marketing program, and launch a website – all in less than six weeks! And, launching the website is where we entered to help! WarmlyYours Director of Information Technology, Christian Billen worked to develop a website that communicated their passion and vision.

“Our mission may not have taken off without the support of WarmlyYours.  We had the idea to teach, we had the ability to teach, and the cooperation of the school district. What we didn't have was a visible, easily accessible mode of communication,” said Jazwinski. “We had no budget and no resources to put together a website, and WarmlyYours stepped in and offered to donate their expertise in website development! Christian and Julia Billen have spent countless hours working with the S.T.A.G.E. ONE Music team in putting together a fantastic website.”

With just a few months under their belt, S.T.A.G.E. ONE is stronger and better than ever! This past week at Cary’s open houses, each parent that they spoke with remarked that they were directed and informed about the program through their website.

“It has been such a relief to have this fantastic website to direct our students and parents towards, and it is helping bring back a certain sense of relief to the community that there will continue to be a music program available to all the students of Cary,” said Jazwinski. “The website legitimizes who we are and shows that we are taking this mission seriously. WarmlyYours has been an incredibly generous supporter of this goal. We thank them from our hearts." 

company on rails

Here at WarmlyYours, we love music! Our staff is filled with weekend rockers and accomplished musicians and singers. So, to us, the removal of a music education program for children was something we had to help restore – even if it was just one piece of the larger puzzle.

“When my friend Tamara approached me about this program, I immediately jumped on board to help! It is so essential to foster the development of young minds with an artistic component,” said Billen. “I love my job building tools to put warm floors in every home, but there's nothing more rewarding than altruistically creating something that will help affect how a child will develop and flourish.”

Thanks S.T.A.G.E. ONE Music for putting the joy and skill of music back into our local schools, and for giving us the opportunity to play a part in your fantastic work!

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