Color Rendering Index (CRI) is a measure of a light source's ability to faithfully reveal the colors of an object or surface in comparison with an ideal or natural light source. This rating is measured on a scale of 0 to 100. The CRI for WarmlyYours LED mirrors is 90+, making for very accurate lighting.
6 people found this helpful. Did you find this helpful? Yes NoThis will vary from mirror to mirror. There are 500-600 lumens per linear foot of LED strip, shorter strips yield less lumens. Different mirrors have different lengths of LED strips. These units have 2400-3600 lumens. In general, mirrors with lights facing towards the user can provide sufficient lighting. While mirrors with light around the edges should be considered accent lighting.
4 people found this helpful. Did you find this helpful? Yes NoAll of our LED mirrors can be controlled by a light switch. Mirrors from the Marquee Series come with a touch on/off button on the face of the glass so the light switch will have to be on before pressing the button on the mirror. Once on, the mirror can be turned off with the wall switch but the process outlined previously will need to be repeated to turn the mirror back on.
2 people found this helpful. Did you find this helpful? Yes NoThe LEDs are rated at 80 thousand hours. The driver/transformer is easily replaced if it ever does fail, so the whole mirror does not need to be replaced. There should little to no concern about the lighting strips failing on this product.
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