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The Infrared Heat of Radiant Panels Brings the Sun Inside

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Here’s a fun fact: the sun’s rays do not directly heat the air. Instead, they heat the people and objects they come into direct contact with. This includes you. Step outside into the sun, and your skin feels the heat right away. Step back inside, and it instantly starts to cool. That heat from the sun’s invisible rays is called infrared heat, and the radiant heating panels from WarmlyYours Radiant Heating use this same type of heat to bring the sun inside your home.

Copying the sun, radiant panels emit infrared waves that heat the walls, floor and ceiling of a room — not the air. From there, a domino effect begins and these objects then gently release warmth back into the air. With this style of heating, the ambient (air) temperature in the room can be cooler, but you still feel warmer — similar to stepping outside in the sunlight.

Because of how radiant heat works, you are generally more comfortable at lower temperatures. And that creates a huge benefit — measurable cost savings! Using WarmlyYours radiant panels, you can heat an area with up to 30 percent less power output than alternative convection heaters.

Why? When you don’t have to get the ambient temperature as high (hot), you save money immediately. The radiant panels allow you to keep the ambient room thermostat temperature up to 2 degrees lower, which can offer up to 12 percent savings on average heating expenses. That adds up to a lot of money over the course of a winter!

Healthy heat

Infrared heat in radiant panels does not involve blowing air (like traditional convection heaters do), so using the panels also drastically reduces the amount of dust and allergens that can be blown around your home by a traditional heating system. Infrared heat = healthy heat!

Lava Crystal Radiant panel warms and enhances a living room designAdditionally, infrared heating technology does not involve the usual bulky, unsightly designs that might come to mind when you think of a traditional space heater. All the radiant panels from WarmlyYours are intentionally designed to enhance the design of a room, not detract from it!

You can even replace a radiator or space heater with a radiant panel to recover lost space in a room.

Let the sun shine in

Bring the sun inside with infrared heat and add a “wow factor” to any room in your home, especially when you choose the WarmlyYours LAVA® Crystal radiant panel, which features a premium black surface encrusted with Swarovski crystals. It is a luxurious radiant panel that truly makes an impact — on your guests and on your heating bill.

In addition to a full line of high-end LAVA® radiant panels, WarmlyYours offers the Ember® line of radiant panels, designed to bring clean infrared heat into your home at an attractive price. Both the LAVA® and Ember® radiant panels offer the same healthy heat while conserving space and reducing energy usage.

To add the power and beauty of infrared heating panels to your home, call 800-875-5285 or visit www.warmlyyours.com. Discover the functional, warm radiance waiting for you!

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