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Sarah's Dream Run: The Chicago Marathon

Sarah's Dream Run: The Chicago Marathon

Sarah Tully completes the Chicago Marathon

We are so proud of Sarah Tully, WarmlyYours Web Designer, who trained for and completed the 2012 Bank of America Chicago Marathon, where she ran 26.2 miles alongside runners from all 50 states and more than 100 countries.

After suffering a knee injury during her training for the marathon, Sarah was determined to continue on toward her noble goal and realize her ambition in running and completing the famous Chicago Marathon. And though she had her running-motivation music ready on her iPod, she didn't end up ever needing it, because the 1.7 million spectators who came to cheer on the marathoners was all the motivation she needed to keep running to the finish line.

"I wanted to run the Chicago Marathon because, once college ended, as an athlete I still needed to feel like I was working towards something. Training for and ultimately running in the Chicago Marathon gave me courage that I didn't think I had in me," said Sarah. "I had my doubts, as did many, since my knee injury. And so, crossing the finish line was very emotional and exhilarating for me. I would definitely run the Chicago Marathon again, maybe in 2 years. I think I need to give my knee a break, so I might take up cycling now."

Congratulations Sarah on this excellent accomplishment! You are an inspiration to us all!

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