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How to Choose the Ideal Environ™ Floor Heating System — Part 3

Environ Easy Mat Installation

An Environ floor heating system can heat floating wood floors like these.

Tile and stone are well-known heat conductors, so it's no surprise that they're the most popular flooring surfaces for electric in-floor heating. However, did you know that radiant heating can also be installed under carpet*, laminate and floating wood flooring?

In part three of our four-part series, we're exploring WarmlyYours' Environ™ floor heating system, which can be installed under carpet*, laminate and floating wood. WarmlyYours was the first company to introduce this advanced design and heating technology in the United States. The Environ™ system is made with reinforced, laminated aluminum foil and radiates 12 watts of heat per square foot. At this wattage, the system warms up more gradually and doesn't get as hot as TempZone™'s Flex Rolls and Easy Mats, which emit 15 watts per square foot. This makes the Environ™ system an ideal option for delicate flooring types, such as carpet and laminate.

The Environ™ lineup consists of Flex Rolls and Easy Mats.

Environ™ Flex Rolls

Environ Flex Rolls offer full wall-to-wall coverage.Environ™ Flex Rolls were designed for full, flexible coverage in any room. The main advantage of these rolls is that they can be rolled out, and the foil can be cut and turned to provide wall-to-wall coverage. This also fosters easy installation because the heating cable is already embedded 2 inches apart in the foil, so it's much faster and simpler to lay out than if the cable were loose.

Additionally, Environ™ Flex Rolls are incredibly thin — just 1/16 of an inch — which means that the floor level will be raised very minimally.

Environ™ Easy Mats

Environ Easy Mats are ideal for large square or rectangular spaces.Environ™ Easy Mats are an ideal solution for heating large areas of a room. In fact, they are the most efficient way to cover large square or rectangular spaces, because they are installed just by rolling out the mat where the heat is needed. If they're being installed under laminate or floating wood floors, the mats simply lay out underneath the flooring, but if they're being installed under carpet, the mats work their magic from in between the pad and the carpet.

Unlike Environ™ Flex Rolls, Easy Mats cannot be cut or trimmed, so they must maintain their shape and size within a room. This is convenient because no cutting or turning is required during installation. However, installers must keep in mind that the heat will only radiate where the mat is placed, so if the room doesn't reflect the size of the Easy Mat they've chosen, every square foot of the flooring will not feel warm.

Easy Mats are also convenient because they can be installed either side up to accommodate the cold lead placement. This means you'll have more flexibility on where you place the thermostat.

Although the heating cable is spaced 3 inches apart within the foil, these mats radiate 12 watts per square foot just like Environ™ Flex Rolls. They are also just 1/16 of an inch thin, so they will hardly raise the floor level.

Once you've identified which heating system you want in your room, you're ready to get your purchase rolling! You can get started by checking out our Instant Quote tool online. By entering in some basic information about your project, our tool will tell you what product is recommended for your room and how much it costs. From there, you can make your purchase by selecting the Environ™ floor-heating product you need on www.warmlyyours.com.

Of course, if you need any assistance during the process, you can always contact a WarmlyYours sales representative by phone at 800-875-5285 to help you out. They can review your floor plan and provide you with a quote and custom installation plan for your room within one business day.

For more information, visit www.warmlyyours.com.

*Environ™ Flex Rolls and Easy Mats are only UL listed for use under carpet in the United States.

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