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Four Tips For A Fresh, Modern Guest Bedroom

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There's nothing quite like having an extra bedroom in your home that allows you to have visitors on a frequent basis. If you're the type of person who loves to entertain and spend time with loved ones, a comfortable guest room is a necessity, but how do you create one that pleases the masses?

One way to create an extra bedroom that wows everyone who uses it is to take on a modern interior design. Whether you're interested in incorporating an updated look or you simply want to try something new, contemporary decor can do wonders for any room in your home. Furthermore, it can be complemented with radiant floor heating and other amenities to create a luxurious experience for your visitors. Here are some tips on how to go contemporary in your guest bedroom.

1. Bring in modern amenities
Incorporating amenities from the new age can help you create a contemporary look and feel in your spare room. For example, you can add a system that creates radiant heat in your space to ensure your guests never have to step out of bed onto cold floors. Automatic lighting is another way to provide convenience to your visitors and save energy along the way.

2. Keep it minimal
As Decoist.com reports, minimalism is the name of the game when it comes to modern decor. In order to achieve this style in your guest bedroom, make it a point to choose furnishings that take up little room while providing functionality. Stay away from bulky seating, vanities and headboards that can deter from the overall contemporary design.

3. Stay neutral
While it's perfectly acceptable to use bold splashes of color in modern decor today, it's always possible to go neutral if you're having trouble settling on a theme, according to Real Simple magazine. Think of using various shades of beige, brown and white to create a contemporary room with warmth and character.

4. Take tips from hotels
If you're lacking inspiration, look to hotels for the insight you need to create a contemporary space. For example, placing floral arrangements throughout the room can soften the modern vibe of the guest room. Crisp bedding and drapes can help you round out the look as a whole.

Whether you want to redesign your bedroom now or a few weeks from now, these four tips can help you achieve your decorating goals.

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